英语介绍 English explanation of the object:
A 20,000-year-old mammoth tooth from Creswell Crags, a limestone gorge on the border of Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire.
中文翻译 Chinese translation of the object:
这个是一个长毛象的齿从Cresswell Crags找到。它是两万年岁。Creswell Crags 是个石灰岩峡谷在Derbyshire 和 Nottinghamshire 的边界。
其他语言的翻译 Other language translation of the object (place stated the language you translated to ) : Spanish/西班牙文
Un diente de mamut de 20.000 años de Creswell Crags, un desfiladero de piedra caliza en la frontera de Derbyshire y Nottinghamshire.
作者Author: 叶凯言/Tim Ye
Huaxia Chinese School Manchester
L6C Class